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Lois Oppenheim

Literature Scholar
Department Chair and Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Montclair State University visit website



  1. Oppenheim, L. (2005). A Curious Intimacy: Art and Neuro-Psychoanalysis. London and New York: Routledge.
  2. Oppenheim, L., ed. (2004). Palgrave Advances in Samuel Beckett Studies. New York and London: Palgrave/Macmillan.
  3. Oppenheim, L. (2000). The Painted Word: Samuel Beckett's Dialogue with Art. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
  4. Oppenheim, L., ed. (1999). Samuel Beckett and the Arts: Music, Visual Arts, and Non-Print Media. New York and London: Garland Publishing.
  5. Oppenheim, L. (1997). Directing Beckett. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
  6. Oppenheim, L. and Buning, M., eds. (1996). Beckett On and On.... New York and London: Associated University Presses.
  7. Oppenheim, L. & Buning, M., eds. (1993). Beckett in the 1990s. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
  8. Oppenheim, L. (1980). Intentionality and Intersubjectivity: A Phenomenological Study of Butor's 'La Modification'. Lexington: French Forum.
  9. Oppenheim, L. (forthcoming). The Significance of Scleroderma for Paul Klee's Late Work, in The Body Image in Psychoanalysis and Art, ed. H. Blum, A. Blum & A. Pazzagli. Florence: Nicomp.
  10. Oppenheim, L. (2005). The Uncanny in Beckett, in Real Absence: Beckett, Joyce and the Art of the Negative. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
  11. Oppenheim, L. (2003). De la chair aux symboles: Discours de la douleur, in Phenomenologie des Sentiments Corporels. Paris.
  12. Oppenheim, L. (2003). Disturbing the Feasible: Object Representation in Samuel Beckett's Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit, in Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
  13. Oppenheim, L. (2002). 'Ecrire n'est que rire': Les Ecrits de Didier Anzieu sur Samuel Beckett, in Le Journal des Psychologues. Paris.
  14. Oppenheim, L. (2001). Object Representation in the Work of Samuel Beckett: The Beckett-Bion Case Revisited, in International Journal of Psychoanalysis, vol. 82, no. 4.
  15. Oppenheim, L. (2001). 'Nous me regardons': Objectivation et Dysfonctionnement Affectif Dans l'Oeuvre de Samuel Beckett, in Samuel BeckettToday/Aujourd'hui. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
  16. Oppenheim, L. (2006). Review of Yehoyakim Stein's The Psychoanalysis of Science: The Role of Metaphor, Paraprax and Myth, JAPA.
  17. Oppenheim, L. (2005). Review of Alice Flaherty's The Midnight Disease: The Drive to Write, Writer's Block, and the Creative Brain, JAPA.
  18. Oppenheim, L. (2005). Review of Shoshana Felman's Writing and Madness, JAPA.

