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February 12, 2004, 8:00 PM

Creativity and Trauma

Informal Meeting
Participants: Daniel Alder, Hallie Cohen, Marcel Kinsbourne, Francis Levy, Barry Mazur, Getchen Mazur, Edward Nersessian, Mary Luallen, Elaine Pagels, Laila Robbins, Lissa Weinstein


Discussion Board

This forum allows for an ongoing discussion of the above Philoctetes event. You may use this space to share your thoughts or to pose questions for panelists. An attempt will be made to address questions during the live event or as part of a continued online dialogue.
Jane Laudi says:
Could you make this talk available?
Philoctetes says:
Unfortunately, archive material, in the form of a transcript, is not yet availabe. This was an informal meeting that was not recorded on video. As soon as material for this event beomes available, it will be posted. Meanwhile, please look at the event "Psychic Trauma," which touches on many of the same themes.

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