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July 09, 2008, 7:00 PM

La Jetée

Chamber Film Screening
Directed by Chris Marker

"Undergoing something of a revival through its inspiration of Terry Gilliam's Twelve Monkeys, this is a strangely wonderful film with many memorable images. In fact La Jetee is almost totally composed of individual frozen pictures, since it is a photo-montage with sparse narration. Set in the near future, the Earth has barely survived an all encompassing nuclear holocaust, which has driven the remnants of humanity underground. The division between victor and vanquished is rather meaningless under these circumstances, yet there are those who subjugate others. With minimal resources, scientists entombed beneath the ruins of Paris are searching for salvation through the single avenue left open—time."
-Damian Cannon

This film is being screened by permission of New Yorker Films. Philoctetes Center Film Coordinator Matthew von Unwerth will lead a discussion following the screening.


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